Memory glass - Gunnar Cyrén

A unique commemorative glass has been produced in the Nobel series to honor the memory of designer Gunnar Cyrén, due to his death in the autumn of 2013.
All details of the glass are hand-painted in semi-transparent white, white, gray and gold. The glass is uniquely signed "GC memory" The color scheme is based on Gunnar Cyrén's samples and sketches from the Nobel Service's original creation.

The glass was sold for a limited period, from 25 September 2014 to 31 March 2015. During this period, the Cyrén family bought a small number of these glasses. Some of these are offered for sale here.

Producer: Orrefors Glasbruk AB

5 800 kr

Popglas no 9.

Popglas no 9.

2 400 kr
Popglas no 11.

Popglas no 11.

2 400 kr